Member-only story
A Job Well Done Requires More Than Meets the Eye
Our son’s allergies have really been bothering him lately. One eye, in particular, seemed red and irritated, and he kept saying it felt pokey and scratchy. After a few days and a bad feeling, I took him to the optometrist.
Now those with more than one child know that you never stop worrying. You worry about one child more than the others at any given time, so your worry ebbs and flows between children but rarely disappears.
When the twins were toddlers, and our third started walking, I remember everyone saying, Now you have to go from man-to-man to zone defense. Heh, heh, heh.
But it’s true! Sometimes, it’s a game-time decision. Which situation is most urgent? Like that time in Hawaii, when the baby had a blowout, our son attempted to climb a waterfall, and our daughter waded toward the deep end…
So far, it doesn’t get any easier as they get bigger because their personalities become a factor, and our son is just so much more chill than the girls when it comes to some things, like pain tolerance.
So when the optometrist gasped and said he had a piece of metal stuck in his cornea with rust around it, a wave of guilt nearly knocked me over. I should have brought him in earlier. When they suggested, let’s keep an eye on it, I should have advocated for him.