Can AI Solve Our Work-Life Balance Challenges, or Is It Just Wishful Thinking?

The Definitive Guide to AI for Executive, Entrepreneurial, and Women in Business

I asked AI for examples of women who successfully balance family, work, and travel, and it listed four names:

1. Sheryl Sandberg

2. Marissa Mayer

3. Arianna Huffington

4. Oprah Winfrey

No offense to the four because they are iconic leaders, but only four?! And only the same names who have been held up as the gold standard for a few decades now?

Yes, those GOATs have so much to teach us, but repeatedly using the same examples is discouraging. After all this time, has no one else joined the club?

Tech promised us we could work smarter, not harder, but the US remains the most overworked nation in the world, and women are disproportionately affected by work-life balance issues.

Yet I’m guessing your feed is full of AI apps, links, and promises about how this is the tech you’ve been waiting for. One website says AI is here to enable automation across all knowledge work to accelerate human achievement and propel the world forward. Whoa.



Kristi Andrus life and business coach

When I drop my kids off at school, I always kiss them and shout, BE AMAZING! Love your life, make the most of it, level up, and be amazing.