You Said This Was What You Wanted

Photo by Maddie Vaughan on Unsplash

You prayed for more time with your children.

You wanted to work from home.

You needed to reconnect with your husband.

You were tired of running everywhere, a million things on your to-do list, having to be in so many places at once, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

And now that you have it, you’re fumbling it.

You’re yelling at the kids, instead of savoring them, feeling confined, not free to enjoy them.

You’re still overwhelmed, keeping up with work, home management, home school, and all the Zoom meetings.

You and your husband are tagging each other in on calls, work, groceries, laundry, school, dog walks, and meals. You’re too tired for sex when you used to kill for this much time at home to devour each other.

You have nothing on your calendar (that isn’t virtual): No spin studio to run to make it to class on time, no pickup and dropoff at multiple schools every morning and every afternoon, no school uniforms to wash, backpacks to pack, or dry cleaning to pick up. There are no appointments, no trips, no shopping, or errands to accomplish.

And because it doesn’t look ideal, because it’s not perfect and easy, and just like you imagined it, you can’t see how incredible it is.

Same patterns, new circumstances, right?

Photo by Luke van Zyl on Unsplash

Your real life is incredible.

This quarantined-pause-reset-thing we are doing now is incredible.

It’s real.

It’s yours.

It’s all you’re ever going to get.

And there is always a reason that you can’t see it for what it is.

That you can’t appreciate it as it is.

Let yourself love it.


Experience it.

The miracle.

The gift.


Do it your way.

Live it precisely the way you want.

Love who you love.

Love what you have.

Love everything about it.

Be who you want.

Have everything you’ve ever wanted.

Claim your wild and precious one life.

Just as it is.

Feel satisfied.

Right now.

Soaked in contentment.

Drenched in gratitude.


Be amazing.

Yes, you.

Love it.

Yes, you!



Kristi Andrus life and business coach

When I drop my kids off at school, I always kiss them and shout, BE AMAZING! Love your life, make the most of it, level up, and be amazing.