Unbranded — 5 Life Lessons as Told by Matthew McConaughey to Tim Ferriss

How to Reinvent Yourself

There is a reckoning of sorts that happens in your 40s. It’s not the same as a mid-life crisis, but it is as awareness that you’re mortal, that the work you do matters, and if you want to have a certain kind of life, either you must be all-in on making it happen, or accept what you have now, because time is running out.

McConaughey isn’t the first to describe this reckoning — Eat, Pray, Love and Untamed are two other gorgeous examples — but his book, Greenlights, is a recent buzzworthy example.


“McConaughey is a talented actor and a fine writer, but a total genius at living.” — Lawrence Wright

I’ve written twice about Matthew McConaughey because his journey resonates. There’s a portion of McConaughey’s interview with Tim Ferriss at about the 30-minute mark when he discusses how it feels to be a new parent, how it made him question his work, and what happened next.

It’s been so refreshing to hear a male perspective on struggling with work-life balance and managing the tension of wanting to be in the moment for your family, but feeling the responsibility of anticipating their needs.



Kristi Andrus life and business coach

When I drop my kids off at school, I always kiss them and shout, BE AMAZING! Love your life, make the most of it, level up, and be amazing. www.kristiandrus.com